Kilwa Community
We are proud to be the main sponsor of the NGO KIYODEA and we provide support in the following areas:
Education Projects in Kilwa
With limited resources and understaffed schools there will always be educational problems in the developing world. KIYODEA have adopted a holistic view on the education system and are trying to make changes at a variety of different levels and in a variety of different ways.
Medical Projects in Kilwa
Tuberculsis and malaria, two of the world’s biggest killers are the most common diseases in Kilwa District.KIYODEA are working at all levels of the healthcare system trying to provide support in a variety of ways from construction of toilet facilities to medical donations.
AIDS Awareness Projects in Kilwa
With a high rate of HIV in Kilwa District as in all Tanzania, KIYODEA have focused many of their efforts on aids awareness. We are hoping to reach all villages within the district by 2020.
We have brought in biologists from Dar Es Salaam and Europe to run science lessons for the local schools. Teaching them about the species which live in their local area.

Other Activities